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Mohammad - Careers Manager - Case Study

At Swift Childcare we want to establish strong relationships with those that can support us to helping more people to securing their future, Mohammad is one of those people for us. Have a read below to see the feedback that we had from his experience with us.

Where did you find out about Swift?

I received an email from Swift Childcare on my careers email around the 6th of April. I called through to Stuart, after receiving the email so I think the day I received the email is the day I called Stuart just to find out a bit more about the programme and what Swift had to offer. That initial phone conversation went really well, so then I referred my first student over to Swift, my student was actually looking for an apprenticeship in childcare/ early years and that was in April. Within a matter of 2 weeks Swift got our student into an apprenticeship which is amazing.

How many apprentices have you referred to Swift?

So far just the 1 (Sumaya). Another student came in today who was interested in early years’ education, so straight away I thought of Swift Childcare. I called Stuart and fortunately he was free to have a little conversation with her. I think that’s the best thing since I initialised the conversation, Stuart has been very open and honest which has been amazing.

How did you find the referral process?

Really easy, I have worked in personal development previously with a charity and one of the roles was to get NEET’s and ex-offenders into apprenticeships. 9 times out of 10 a lot of these training providers would say yes, sign your students up with me, sign your clients up with me and then once they’ve got all the information they need on their end, you don’t really hear back from them. So I was a bit hesitant but I think after speaking to Stuart and realising that he was genuinely willing to help young people, you can sort of tell especially when you’ve been working in this industry for a while, you can tell when people are just saying things for the sake of marketing their organisation and when they genuinely mean what they say.

What has your experience with Swift been like?

Amazing. Really straightforward. One of the major plus points for Swift Childcare is the direct communication with Stuart and having him on the end of the phone line and especially having a mobile contact number is crucial, sometimes landline even with myself working in a school I’m not always available on the landline. So people can just call me up, straight on the mobile and it’s refreshing that they pick-up and if they don’t pick-up they will call you back.

Would you recommend Swift and this apprenticeship to others?

Oh 100%, I think it goes without saying I have had an amazing first-hand experience of Swift and the services that they have to offer. I would highly recommend this organisation to any young person or any organisation looking to get their young people or clients into early years’ education. 

Is there anything we can do better?

To be honest I haven’t found any faults. I was looking for some but I couldn’t find any. You call back when you say you will. Overall there are no complaints, I’m not just saying this for the fact that I’ve used your service and I’ve got such an amazing result from it, I genuinely mean it.

Is there any advice you would like to share with Sumaya for her journey with us and learners looking for a similar opportunity?

I think you have to grasp the opportunity that Swift Childcare have given to you and that young people need to feel that they are privileged to be given that opportunity. As a lot of people take it for granted all the opportunities and that’s really one of the stumbling blocks for young people, they get so many different opportunities given to them but they don’t take them seriously until it’s too late or their opportunities start running out and then they have regrets. Take any opportunity that comes your way with both hands and try your best, if you do try your best and you are not able to get to where you want to people can see the effort that you have put in and they will be more than happy to support you and help you to get to that next stage.

Want to read more?

We also spoke to Sumaya (ex-student) at Stepney All Saints School click here to have a read of her experience with us.

If you're a careers advisor looking to refer your students to our apprenticeships contact us now:

London: sb@swiftcc.co.uk 0203 475 3036

Birmingham: al@swiftcc.co.uk 0121 594 0459

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Maryam Qadri

16th June

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